The prospect of bleeding after waxing might make you shy away from getting this hugely beneficial treatment done. But is bleeding normal after waxing? And why does it happen?
Before we get into it, we want you to know it’s a totally normal and harmless occurrence. If it happens, the bleeding will be minimal, and it usually stops within a few minutes. It’s nothing a little after wax skincare can’t handle.
In this article, we’re going to discuss bleeding after waxing, what to do if it happens, and answer some commonly asked questions you may have.
Is Bleeding Really That Common After Waxing?
So is bleeding normal after waxing? Absolutely. Bleeding after waxing is a natural reaction of your hair getting pulled from the pore. This is known as pore bleeding, otherwise called pinpoint bleeding.
Your hair follicles are connected to blood vessels that aid in the hair growth process. While not every person’s body will react this way, you might experience it. Especially if you’re new to waxing. That’s because your hair may resist coming out during the first wax.
A little blood can actually be a good thing. It’s a sign that your hair was properly removed from the root. Exactly what you want when you come in for a Fuzz wax.
You’re more likely to experience after wax irritation in tight pore areas like The Zillian™. Coarse, thick hair can also be difficult to remove because of its stubborn attachment to the roots. Meanwhile, finer hair is easier and less painful to remove.
Fortunately, there’s a simple solution to pore bleeding that we can all get behind: wax more! The more often you wax, the easier your hair will get removed the next time. You’ll also experience reduced hair growth in the long run. More on that later…
Is It Normal To Get Bumps Or Pimples After Waxing?
It really depends on the individual. Some people may experience bumps or pimples — especially if it’s their first time waxing. This is known as folliculitis, and it's common.
Folliculitis can look like a rash. Ingrown hairs are a type of folliculitis that are more common with curly or coarse hair types. Folliculitis is a natural occurrence that will go away by itself within 24 to 48 hours post-wax. However, ingrown hairs can stick around for longer — up to a week after your wax.
This can happen if you have clogged pores during your wax. That’s why we always emphasize before and after wax care. Fortunately, exfoliation goes a long way in preventing this.
How Common Is Redness And Irritation After Waxing?
If you’ve ever experienced redness or swelling after a Brazilian (Zillian™) wax, you’re not alone. Sensitive skin is prone to contact dermatitis. This is an allergic reaction to certain ingredients in the wax (or wax care products). Your skin may be itchy and dry, with potential swelling or peeling. Luckily, this isn’t a common occurrence at Fuzz Wax Bar. That’s because we use hard wax on the more sensitive areas to prevent this.
While this isn’t always the case, sensitive skin requires extra after wax care. Always address these concerns with your Fuzzologist first, so we can help you get the most out of your wax.
What To Do If You Are Bleeding After Waxing
If you experience bleeding after waxing, let your skin heal by itself. It will usually stop within minutes of your wax, and any signs of irritation should be gone within a day or two.
A dedicated self-care routine is everything, and it’s exactly what you need after waxing. Here’s the best way to treat after wax bleeding:
Wipe Any Bloody Spots Clean With A Cotton Pad
Our Fuzzologist will wipe away any blood that surfaces after your wax. Placing pressure on the area will stop the bleeding almost immediately. You may still experience minor bleeding later on, but there’s no need to fret. Apply pressure, keep calm, and carry on.
Apply Light Pressure On The Affected Area - Ice Helps
When you apply pressure at home, we suggest using a cool compress. Apply an ice pack or cold washcloth to the area after your wax. Apply with light pressure for around 20 minutes. You can also try using an ice roller to help soothe the skin.
Wear Loose Clothes, Especially Ones You Don’t Mind Getting Dirty
We always tell our clients to wear loose, comfortable clothing to the wax appointment. That’s because tight fabrics can cause friction and irritation on freshly waxed skin. Cotton is your best friend if you desire a smooth recovery.
Bleeding After Waxing Frequently Asked Questions
We know you might have a few questions to ask about bleeding after waxing. Here’s everything you need to know to take care of your post-wax skin:
How Long Do Blood Spots Last After Waxing?
If you experience bleeding, the blood will usually stop within minutes after your wax.
Does Bleeding Mean The Hair Won’t Grow Back?
Perhaps you’ve heard of the myth that hair growth can stop altogether after bleeding. Well, you heard right: it’s just a myth. While blood can be a sign of damage to the hair follicle, it doesn’t mean the hair will stop growing altogether.
However, it’s certainly possible that your hair will grow back thinner and softer than before. This is the beauty advantage waxing gives you, unlike other hair removal methods. The appearance of your hair will get sparser and thinner the more often you wax. That’s why it’s important to visit us regularly.
How Do You Heal Ripped Skin After Waxing?
Ripped skin is an uncommon occurrence that's unlikely to happen if you get waxed at Fuzz. That’s because we use hard wax on sensitive areas — the kind that removes hair from the root without compromising your skin. On larger areas, we use soft wax which could potentially tear the skin if it’s dry or damaged. That’s why we encourage our clients to moisturize daily!
How Do You Prevent Bleeding After Waxing?
So how do you prevent bleeding after waxing in the first place? Exfoliation is the answer to most of your wax questions. Exfoliation removes ingrown hairs, dead skin, dirt, debris, and product build-up. Exfoliating before and after your wax can make a night and day difference in your result. You can use a gentle body scrub or brush to do so.
We recommend exfoliating before your wax to prepare the skin for easy hair removal. Make sure you do this a day or two before your wax — never the day of! We also recommend exfoliating a couple of days after your wax, and regularly thereafter. This will not only help your results last longer, but it will buff the skin for easy, painless hair removal the next time around.
Conclusion: How To Clean And Manage Bleeding After Waxing
Bleeding after waxing is a natural reaction of hair being removed. Especially if it’s your first ever wax. It’s a good sign that your hair got properly removed from its root, giving you a smooth and long-lasting result. Pinpoint bleeding is totally normal. For most people, the bleeding will stop within minutes or hours after the wax.
Clean the area, apply pressure with a cool compress, and wear loose fitting clothes to treat this side effect. Remember to always exfoliate before and after your wax to aid in the recovery process. This will also prepare your skin for easy, painless hair removal during your next wax.
Pre- and post-wax care is essential to get a smooth result. Remember to take it easy for the next 48 hours after your waxing appointment. Avoid heat, steam, sun exposure, sweating, and heavy skincare products that can clog your pores. Keep your skin hydrated and happy by using a gentle moisturizer on a daily basis.
Overall, waxing is the best way to achieve smooth skin. It’s fast, affordable, and a holistic treatment for your skin. Contact our Fuzzologists today to find the right service for you.